Monday, July 27, 2009


latest sentiment: everyone [and their moms] is getting engaged and it just seems to keep snowballing.

(interesting how I've only been invited to one wedding in the last year. what does that say about me?)

congrats to all those lovebirds out there floating on moon beams and diamond rings.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I'm on a Jodi Picoult kick. I find her writing to be completely vulnerable and honest. My weeks have been filled by reading her words and stories of relationships pulled and worn by life's circumstances. I identify and question, judge and accept the different characters she introduces to me. I escape in her web of entangled emotions, and I'm grateful for discovering a new author that leaves me no choice but to finish the book. So often I find books in my room that possess makeshift bookmarks no where near the end of the story. I look back remembering my attention being drawn to another more intriguing story and discarding these books as something of the past. But Picoult lures me in her force field and I'm paralyzed with an intense focus of turning the page, the next page, and the page after that. I'm sitting here right now thinking about how much I want to go curl up on a chair and read the current Picoult book I'm engrossed with. As a matter of fact...